MBHO GmbH Mikrofonbau Haun


MBD 219 SC          No. 92-2191

infotechn. datadiagramprint

  dynamic mics   

handmade microphones

Dynamic microphone hyper-cardioid

With more than thirty years of experience fabricating high-end condenser microphones, we saw the need for a similar ‘no holds barred’ approach with our dynamic line. The rules here call for linearity without high frequency peaks, minimum proximity effect, high directivity, and reduced handling noise. To this end we added a hand-optimized aluminum housing with the further advantage of internal shock mounting. The surface of the microphone is finished in non-reflective Nextel. Extreme high quality in fit and finish denote this product from the competition. We offer the MBD 219 series in three models, the MBD 219 C – cardioid, the MBD 219 SC – hyper-cardioid, and the MBD 219 O – omni.


In any live application where a rugged “state of the art” dynamic is the call, the MBD 219 will surpass your expectations.